We're excited to offer you the most generous rewards program in the market - where you can save money AND support Your Company Name!
Every time you take advantage of one of the special offers available from over 100 participating businesses, you automatically earn Rewards.
The great news is that your Rewards never expire. As long as your balance is over $2 at the end of the month, your points will be automatically converted into a cash donation to Your Company Name — and you receive a tax-deductible receipt for your donation… It's that easy!
The table below outlines the value of the Rewards you can earn by simply shopping with any of our participating businesses:
Points Earned | Value |
10,000 | $65 |
20,000 | $130 |
50,000 | $325 |
100,000 | $650 |
We regularly add new stores as they join our coalition. Be sure to take advantage of the great offers available!
Happy shopping!
Jenny Brown
Member Services Manager